Flower Photography at The Mint Museum w/ Jane Wiley


Join fine art photographer, Jane Wiley, as she introduces the fine art of flower photography. This one-day workshop will include topics such as lighting, color, composition and form as students capture the beauty and art of flowers. Jane will guide students through their own creative process moving away from the ordinary flower snapshot and towards the fine art photograph. Students will learn how to shoot within a garden environment as well as how to set up their own flower portrait studio. Jane will introduce a variety of techniques in approaching flower photography.




Image by Jane Wiley


Date: Saturday, April 13, 2013 (raindate is Saturday, April 20th)
Times: 10am-5pm w/ lunch break
Instructor: Jane Wiley
Cost: $175 (
To register online, click the link at the top of the page.)

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The Light Factory's
refund and enrollment

policy, click here.

Did you know?

The Light Factory is one of only four museums in the United States that promotes the power of image through photography and film.  We offer educational programs that teach people of all ages to communicate using visual mediums.  Since 1972, The Light Factory has served students, artists and the public at large by offering film screenings, photography exhibits, classes and outreach programs that promote media literacy and self expression using the most powerful mediums of our time.


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